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India, the use of experimental treatment on a patient who has a
condition deemed terminal or incurable is permissible (Ramesh,
2005; Khullar, 2009). From Dr Shroff's point of view, the ability to
do something for such patients is more important than scientific
verification from the international community (Khullar, 2009). In
one news report she was quoted as saying 'My patients often have
no other choice. I am their last chance' (Ramesh, 2005).
Critics of Nu Tech Mediworld claim that the therapy is untested and
dangerous. Most such critics suggest that the clinic is exploiting
vulnerable people who are desperate for a miracle cure for their injuries
and illnesses (Ramesh, 2005). Other criticisms are targeted at the
Indian government for not better regulating the availability of such
therapies (Khullar, 2009). Yet very little of this appears to be stopping
the growing numbers of patients who are prepared to try the treatment
Drs Shroff and Verma have to offer. Interestingly, most patients say that
they rarely have the high expectations of miracle cures that the critics
attribute to them, instead viewing their decision to undertake treatment
as their own choice, in a context where they feel they have nothing to
lose and potentially a lot to gain (Hayes, 2007; Macey, 2008).
Some of the continuing scientific problems with stem cell therapies
include the risk of uncontrolled growth once injected, difficulties in
controlling cell growth in the right kind of way, immuno-rejection of
the injected components, possible complications from immune
incompatibility and the transmission of unknown infections from
substances used in the production of stem cells. Given the number of
issues surrounding the controlled development of human embryonic
stem cell based therapies, critics are right to wonder how these
difficulties have been overcome in the New Delhi clinic. As long as
these issues remain unexplained, Nu Tech Mediworld will continue
to be viewed in a sceptical light, no matter how many patients
receiving treatment there report improved function.
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2.3.2 TheDominicanRepublic
A company called Medra is another well known example of a clinic
that offers stem cell treatments. Medra's website states that they use
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