Biomedical Engineering Reference
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scientists have been working on bringing stem cell technologies to
the market for a wide range of diseases and clinical applications. In
India, China, the Caribbean and parts of Eastern Europe too, there
is a robust market developing in 'stem cell tourism'.
Although there are many critics of stem cell tourism and the sale
of what are widely regarded as unproven techniques to people who
are seen to be desperate for improved treatments and cures, from a
commercial perspective the stem cell tourist markets are important
to consider. The questions addressed in this topic are not so much
concerned with the authenticity, veracity or justice of the stem cell
tourist markets - although they are undoubtedly important issues -
but are rather intended to examine all of the developing markets in
the stem cell 'industries', worldwide. Similarly, so too are the
growing markets for the treatment of animals important to consider
from a commercial point of view.
Outside of the unproven therapies and animal markets, the most
successful applications to emerge on the human market so far have
come from adult stem cells. These include: bone marrow, cord
blood, cartilage, bone, heart tissue, fat and skin products designed
to target specific ailments and painful conditions, if not
life-threatening illness and disease. There is now a range of adult
stem cell products in development, ranging in application from
cosmetic treatments to highly complex procedures to help heal
cardiac tissue after heart attacks.
The aim of this topic is to track the development of the commercial
prospects for the stem cell sciences and look at the ways that stem
cell technologies have entered or are entering into the marketplace in
order to identify what specific barriers might be facing the global
industry. The goal here is to provide a resource for individuals
interested in the development of the stem cell markets, to identify
new opportunities for entry into the market and to examine the
success or failure of other stem cell based technologies already
available on the market. This topic is thus designed to be a
comprehensive analysis of the structure of the emerging global
markets in the stem cell sciences, including sections on the level of
government investment and support in different locations for these
nascent industries. It is a premise of the analysis offered here that
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