Database Reference
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Figure 19-1. Network latency tool (free)
For commercial due diligence you will need to move to professional DB load-testing applications such as RAT
by Oracle (similar in many ways to ) . You could also consider network
companies like IXIA that provide well-regarded solutions.
So there are legitimate concerns with cloud migrations, but in the final analysis I think cloud makes sense for
commodity data because applications that were previously only accessible internally or over VPN from a laptop can
now be made fully mobile. With upcoming productivity tablets (21” tablets and 12” tablets with 2500 resolutions, 3G,
and styli) and more emails being answered on mobile than on PC, the world is changing to mobile hardware and
mobile web access as the primary platform. More work emails are now answered mobily than from PC. Cloud enables
more work to be done on mobile, a term sometimes called “Mass Localisation.”
There are two main business processes here, which are quite different from each other:
New clo u d customers
There are new businesses that can start and scale rapidly using cloud services rather than
having to hire an IT department. This is reasonably straightforward.
Cloud migrations
Large IT departments where the employer is considering a move to using the shared
infrastructure of the software vendor, i.e., moving to the cloud. This second scenario is not
as straightforward but is quite interesting—especially in terms of privileged access control,
as we shall see.
Oracle has not been regarded as a market leader in cloud technology, having lost significant ground to Salesforce.
com. Gartner does not rank Oracle highly at this time, but in my view Oracle is the natural company to lead cloud
offerings due to their expertise in large performant systems largely based on *nix technology and OpenStack software.
Oracle has the business relationships with current customers and the expertise to run larger datacenters. Most
importantly, Oracle has the credibility, trust, and reputation to be able to assuage the trust objections discussed
earlier. Oracle knows this and has been busy buying innovative new cloud companies such as:
Eloqua -
Vitrue -
RightNow -
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