Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The technology that is being provided through a solution termed as “Cloud” includes:
SaaS - Software as a Service
DBaaS - Database as a Service
PaaS - Platform as a Service
IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service
Benefits of Cloud Computing
The benefits of adopting a vendor-provided cloud solution are:
Economies of scale
Hardware spare capacity can be fully utilized
Smoothing out many peaks of demand; elasticity through internal virtualization
Vendor infrastructure can be used to piggy back the client organization's mobile
apps - mass localization of previously internal applications
Vendor derives value from the data that they can pass onto the users in terms of lowering
costs e.g. selling client information through Though this may be
seen as a security disadvantage.
Fast startup - scalability
Can act as competitive lever to enable a company to gain better value from internal
Issues Agreeing and Implementing Cloud
There are several objections to and problems with cloud.
Private terms of agreement:
Setting measurable SLAs for performance, resilience, dependency, reliability, and security
Agreeing to terms of liability in case of issues with the above
Legal and regulatory terms:
Data location and export; residency of the data and local applicable laws
Data subject rights
Confidentiality and rights to monitor
Security and compliance, who is responsible for audits and what is to be done if there is a
Which security policy is to be used? That of vendors or clients?
Data retention and portability
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