Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Switzerland has three official federal languages: French, German and Italian. A fourth
language, Romansch (semi-official since 1996), is spoken by less than 1% of the popula-
tion, mainly in the canton of Graubünden.
Read our pronunciation guides as if they were English, and you'll be understood just
fine. The stressed syllables are in italics.
To enhance your trip with a phrasebook, visit . Lonely Planet iPhone
phrasebooks are available through the Apple App store.
Hello. Bonjour. bon·zhoor
Goodbye. Au revoir. o·rer·vwa
Yes. Oui. wee
No. Non. non
Please. S'il vous plaît. seel voo play
Thank you. Merci. mair·see
Excuse me. Excusez-moi. ek·skew·zay·mwa
Sorry. Pardon. par·don
Help! Au secours! o skoor
Cheers! Santé! son·tay
Do you speak English? Parlez-vous anglais? par·lay·voo ong·glay
I don't understand. Je ne comprends pas. zher ner kom·pron pa
How much is this? C'est combien? say kom·byun
I'd like …, please. Je voudrais …, zher voo·dray … s'il vous plaît. seel voo play
Where are (the toilets)? Où sont (les toilettes)? oo son (lay twa·let)
I'm lost. Je suis perdu(e). (m/f) zhe swee·pair·dew
Hello. Guten Tag. goo ·ten taak
Goodbye. Auf Wiedersehen. owf vee ·der·zey·en
Yes. Ja. yaa
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