Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Squirreled away in a remote corner of Switzerland, just before the Italian border, Müstair is one of Europe's early
Christian treasures and a Unesco World Heritage Site. When Charlemagne supposedly founded a monastery and a
church here in the 8th century, this was a strategically placed spot below the Ofen Pass, separating northern Europe
from Italy and the heart of Christendom.
Vibrant Carolingian (9th century) and Romanesque (12th century) frescos smother the interior of the church of
Benedictine Kloster St Johann (St John's Convent; ; admission free;
7am-8pm May-
Oct, 7am-5pm Nov-Apr) .
Postal buses run along the valley between Zernez and Müstair (Sfr20.20, one hour).
POP 1100 / ELEV 1474M
One of the main gateways to the Swiss National Park, Zernez is an attractive cluster of
stone chalets, outlined by the profile of its baroque church and the stout medieval tower of
its castle, Schloss Wildenberg.
The village is home to the hands-on Swiss National Park Centre ( 081 851 41 41; ; adult/child Sfr7/3; 8.30am-6pm Jun-Oct, 9am-noon & 2-5pm Nov-May) , where
an audioguide gives you the low-down on conservation, wildlife and environmental
change .
Sleeping & Eating
( 081 851 55 00; ; Zernez; dm Sfr19, s Sfr87-115, d Sfr140-220) Welcoming all-
comers since 1905, these central digs have inviting rooms with lots of stone pine and
downy duvets, plus basic bunk rooms. There's also a sauna and a rustic restaurant (mains
Sfr15 to Sfr43), dishing up good steaks and pasta.
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