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predecessor or successor of underlying activities by interpreting (i) the structure of
dependency/frequency graph and (ii) the final scores at from-to chart. Then
dependency/frequency graph is converted into a block-oriented model named control
flow graph. By this way, the process model is enhanced from a sequence form to a
more extended form including connections.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the proposed approach. In
Section 3, the application of the presented approach on a real case is described.
Section 4 includes the related work. Finally, Section 5 presents the concluding
2 Extracting Connection Types in From-to Chart Based Process
The proposed approach consists of three basic steps: construction and rearrangement
of from-to chart, relation extraction and constructing of process model that includes
connection types.
2.1 Construction and Rearrangement of From-to Chart
The first operation of the proposed methodology is the creation of a FROMTOCHART
database table by retrieving the activity types from the event logs and populating
FROMTOCHART table. Predecessor and successor for each transition are parsed in every
process cycle, which is ordered by timestamp in ascending order and the current score
at (predecessor,successor) th element at FROMTOCHART table is incremented.
Then scores at FROMTOCHART table are evaluated in order to eliminate the effect of
weak scores on finding the fittest activity sequence by pruning down them prior to
rearrangement. Basically there are three evaluation metrics used in the proposed
methodology: confidence for from-to chart (confidence FTC), support for from-to
chart (support FTC) and modified lift [2] .
Rearrangement operation is the engine component of proposed methodology,
which aims to find out the activity sequence with the minimum total moment value at
FROMTOCHART table in GA fashion. The coarse-grained GA stages are detailed in [3] .
2.2 Relation Extraction
Basically there are three types of relation represented in dependency/frequency graph:
Immediate Succession. Let S be an optimum activity sequence over T , a range of
activities, i.e. S
T * (i.e. a permutation of T ) and A, B
T . Then B immediately
succeeds A, if and only if position of A (p A ) and position of B (p B ) at S are two
successive integers such that; p B = p A + 1 , where p A and p B
[1, |S|].
Succession. Let S be an optimum activity sequence over T , a range of activities,
i.e. S
T * and A, B
T . Then B succeeds A, if and only if position of A (p A ) and
position of B (p B ) at S are two integers such that; p B > p A , where p A and p B
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