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The results of simulations were also presented. The experiments showed that the
auction based scheduling process could be judged as very effective in the context of
decision making in a web service with QoS.
New approaches will be discussed, as offering more resources or the possibility of
delivering data in later time.
The later research will be focused on experiments in the environment of the IBM
blade cluster system.
1. Borzemski, L., Wrzuszczak, J.: Management of Web service delivering multimedia files
based on the bid strategy. In: Information Systems Architecture and Technology, ISAT
2008, pp. 13-23 (2008)
2. Brazier, F., Cornelissen, F., Gustavsson, R., Jonker, C., Lindeberg, O., Polak, B., Treur,
B.: A multi-agent system performing one-to-many negotiation for load balancing of elec-
tricity use. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 1, 208-222 (2002)
3. Cherkasova, L., Phaal, P.: Peak Load Management for commercial Web servers using
adaptive session-based admission control. In: Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International
Conference on System Sciences (2001)
4. Cramton, P., Shoham, Y., Steinberg, R.: Combinatorial auctions. The MIT Press, Cam-
bridge (2006)
5. Lee, M., Lui, J., Yau, D.: Admission Control and Dynamic Adaptation for a Proportional-
Delay DiffServ-Enabled Web Server. In: Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGMETRICS In-
ternational Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, pp. 172-182
6. Maille, P., Tuffin, B.: Pricing the Internet with multibid auctions. IEEE/ACM Trans. on
Networking 14(5), 992-1004 (2006)
7. Perez-Bellido, A., Salcedo-Sanz, S., Portilla-Figueras, J.A., Ortiz-Garcia, E.G., Garcia-
Diaz, P.: An agent system for bandwidth allocation in reservation-based networks using
evolutionary computing and vickrey auctions. In: Nguyen, N.T., Grzech, A., Howlett, R.J.,
Jain, L.C. (eds.) KES-AMSTA 2007. LNCS (LNAI), vol. 4496, pp. 476-485. Springer,
Heidelberg (2007)
8. Vickrey, W.: Counterspeculation, Auctions, and Competitive Sealed Tenders. The Journal
of Finance 16(1), 8-37 (1961)
9. Walsch, M., Wellman, P., Wurman, J., MacKie-Mason, K.: Some Economics of Market-
Based Distributed Scheduling, Distributed Computing Systems. In: Proceedings of 18th
International Conference Amsterdam, pp. 612-621 (1998)
10. Wrzuszczak, J.: Auction mechanism in management of processing nodes in a computer
cluster. Contemporary Aspects of Computer Networks 2, 259-265 (2008)
11. Wrzuszczak, J., Borzemski, L.: Management of Web services based on the bid strategy us-
ing the user valuation function, Computer Networks. Communications in Computer and
Information Science 39, 19-25 (2009)
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