Civil Engineering Reference
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4 Intelligent System of Built Environment Life Cycle
Process for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation.
Case Study: Energy-Efficient House Decision Support
Sub-System for Africa
Based on the analysis of existing intelligent systems a Intelligent System of Built
Environment Life Cycle Process for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
(IS-BELCP-CCMA) consisting of a database, database management system,
model-base, model-base management system and user interface was developed.
The following tables make IS-BELCP-CCMA database:
• Initial data tables. These contain general facts about the built environment and
climate change considered. The reasons of regenerating of built environment and
their significance as well as the money intended to be spent on it are also given.
• Tables assessing refurbishment of built environment solutions. They contain
quantitative and conceptual information about alternative of built environment
refurbishment solutions [as examples see Equity and Climate Change ( http:// ), Climate Change Pol-
icies ( ) , Opera-
tionalising a Resilience to Uncertain Climate Changes (
imitacijosmain/simpletable.aspx?sistemid=392 ), Climate change and resilience
management in built environment (
aspx?sistemid=409 ), Energy-Efficient House Decision Support Sub-system for
( )
dow to wall ratio: Table 1 ; orientation: Table 2 ; shading: Table 3 )].
• Tables of multi-variant design. They provide quantitative and conceptual
information on the interconnection of the elements of built environment to be
Table 1 Fragment of a grouped decision-making matrix of window to wall ratio alternative's
multiple criteria analysis. Qualitative and Quantitative description of the alternatives
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