Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
The structure of this chapter is as follows: Sect. 2 , which follows this intro-
duction, describes the Model of Built Environment Life Cycle Process for Climate
Change Mitigation and Adaptation. Section 3 analyses the micro, meso and macro
factors that influence the efficiency of the built environment in climate change
mitigation and adaptation processes. Section 4 describes Intelligent System of
Built Environment Life Cycle Process for Climate Change Mitigation and
Adaptation and Case Study 'Energy-Efficient House Decision Support Sub-system
for Africa'. Certain concluding remarks appear in Sect. 5 .
2 Model of Built Environment Life Cycle Process
for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
By modelling and forecasting future perspectives and trends of climate change
mitigation and adaptation in built environment, it is possible to get ready to
respond to the variation of micro-, meso- and macro-level variables. Model of
Built Environment Life Cycle Process for Climate Change Mitigation and
Adaptation suggested by this research is based on presumption that the efficiency
of climate change mitigation and adaptation depends on many micro-, meso- and
macro-level variables. The presence of specific micro-, meso- and macro-level
variable factors right away imposes objective limitations for efficient climate
change mitigation and adaptation in built environment.
Therefore, basing oneself on main worldwide development trends and best
practices, it is possible to issue recommendations on the increase of efficiency of
climate change mitigation and adaptation in built environment in specific country.
When rational variable micro-, meso- and macro-level factors determine for
specific country have been realised, they should create better and more favourable
conditions for efficient realisation of climate change mitigation's projects would be
The research aim was to produce a Model of Built Environment Life Cycle
Process for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in specific country by
undertaking a complex analysis of micro, meso and macro environment factors
affecting it and to give recommendations on the increase of its competitive ability.
The research was performed by studying the main worldwide development
trends and best practice, taking into consideration specific countries' history,
development level, needs and traditions. Simulation was undertaken to provide
insight into creating an effective environment for the climate change mitigation
and adaptation in built environment by choosing rational micro, meso and macro
factors. The most of stakeholders of climate change mitigation cannot correct or
alter the micro-, meso- and macro-level variables, but they can go into the essence
of their effect and take them into consideration when realising various activities.
Stakeholders, knowing the micro-, meso- and macro-level factors affecting the
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