Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
• Programme 430 'Energy Efficient Refurbishment—Grant'
• Programme 431 'Energy Efficient Refurbishment—Refurbishment supervision'
All of these programmes influence the refurbishment activities in the German
building stock, also the 'Energy Efficient Construction' programme which gives
soft loans for efficient new constructions.
The BAFA provides incentives for on-site energy advice, renewable energy
heating systems and combined heat and power (CHP). On regional and even on
city level, many more programmes may exist which are not described here.
3.3.1 KfW Energy Efficient Refurbishment
The CO 2 building refurbishment programme (today: Energy Efficient Refurbish-
ment) started in 2001, when it became part of the National Climate Protection
Programme, which aims to reduce the emissions of CO 2 in the building sector
through energy-related refurbishments. To achieve the reduction targets of this
programme, the KfW developed several measures for energy savings and climate
protection in the building sector. The programme has shown a very positive impact
regarding the reduction of CO 2 emissions (Bigalke et al. 2012 ; Diefenbach et al.
2012 ). Furthermore, the 'Energy Efficient Refurbishment' programme contributes
to the introduction of efficient and modern technologies in the market of building
refurbishment and, at the same time, incentivise individual measures towards
energy savings (Diefenbach et al. 2012 ).
The annual budget for these programmes is set by the national government in
the framework of the energy package. In 2012, the fund for the 'Energy Efficient
Refurbishment Programme' was increased to 1.5 billion euros, and for 2013, it has
again been increased by an additional 300 million euros to 1.8 billion euros.
Figure 7 shows the development of funds from 2006 to 2013 [numbers from
(Bigalke et al. 2012 ; SWR 2012 )].
The programme is divided into several subprograms, namely the programme
430 for grants and subsidies, the programme 151 for loans for the development of
KfW efficiency houses and the programme 152 for loans for individual measures
or a combination of them. Programme 431 provides grants for a professional
consultation of the refurbishment activity.
These programmes are all developed to enable house owners or renters to
refurbish single- or two-family houses to KfW efficiency house standard or to take
individual measures within an energy efficient refurbishment. The programme
considers a wide variety of measures:
• the optimisation of the building envelope, for example, the thermal insulation of
exterior walls, roofs, ceilings and basement floors, replacement of doors and
windows, but also
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