Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Supply side management :
Renewable energy
technologies & electrical
system retrofits
￿ Solar thermal systems
￿ Solar PV/PVT systmes
￿ Wind power systems
￿ Biomass systmes
￿ Geothermal power systmes
￿ Electrical system retrofits,
Human factors : Energy
consumption patterns
￿ Comfort requirements
￿ Occupancy regimes
￿ Management and
￿ Occupant activities
￿ Access to controls, etc.
Demand side management :
Energy efficient equipment
and low energy technologies
￿ Control upgrade
￿ Natural ventilation
￿ Lighting upgrade
￿ Thermal storage
￿ Energy efficient equipment
and appliances
￿ Heat recovery, etc.
Demand side management :
Heating and cooling demand
￿ Building envelope insulation
￿ Windows retrofits
￿ Cool roof and cool coatings
￿ Air tightness, etc.
Fig. 3
Main categories of building retrofit technologies (Ma et al. 2012 )
The retrofit technologies for supply-side management include electrical system
retrofits and the use of renewable energy, such as solar hot water, solar photo-
voltaic (PV), wind energy, geothermal energy, etc., as alternative energy supply
systems to provide electricity and/or thermal energy for buildings. In the last years,
there has been an increasing interest in the use of renewable energy technologies
as building retrofit solutions due to the increased awareness of environmental
The retrofit technologies for demand-side management consist of strategies to
reduce building heating and cooling demand and the use of energy-efficient
equipment and low-energy technologies. The heating and cooling demand of a
building can be reduced through retrofitting the building envelope and the use of
other advanced technologies such as air tightness, windows shading, etc.
ventilation, heat recovery, thermal storage systems, etc. (Ma et al. 2012 ).
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