Civil Engineering Reference
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Fig. 3 The historic development of pilot projects, minimum requirements and the building
(Erhorn-Kluttig et al. 2011 )
is financing research projects in order to support the national transposition.
Thereof, on national level, two projects within the 'Zukunft Bau' initiative of the
Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development
(BBSR) are especially important for getting more clarity about an appropriate
level of requirements:
1. 'Investigation for the amendment of the buildings ordinance—Identification
and analysis of obstacles for the construction of highly efficient buildings and
development of a concept for the market penetration by 2020' (author's
translation of the German title: 'Untersuchung zur Novellierung der Gebäude-
Richtlinie—Identifikation und Analyse von Hemmnissen beim Neubau von
hocheffizienten Gebäuden und Entwicklung eines Konzepts zur Marktdurch-
dringung bis 2020') (Erhorn et al. 2012 ).
2. 'Accompanying investigation for the European reporting requirement on the cost-
optimal-level' (author's translation of the German title: 'Begleituntersuchung zur
(Offermann et al. 2013 ).
Erhorn et al. ( 2012 ) was already published whereas Offermann et al. (2013) is
still under development and is expected to be published in the second half of 2013.
The cost-optimality requirement is relevant for the technical requirements for new
and existing nearly zero-energy buildings as Article 4(1) EPBD states:
Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that minimum energy per-
formance requirements for buildings or building units are set with a view to achieving
cost-optimal levels.
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