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use the current state or other time-variant factors to influence the outcome. When
considering a first-order chain this defines the Markov condition that: the next state
is solely dependent on the current state, or
PX k þ f ¼ PX k þ 1 ¼ j j X k ¼ i
g ¼ p i ; j
ð 2 Þ
The values X k from the countable set S are called states. If the model param-
eters are constant over time, the MC is denominated time-homogeneous Markov
chain or stationary Markov chain. That is, the model transition matrix is a constant
time-invariant matrix independent of the time instant k
A ; p i ; j 0 ; 8 i ; j 2 S ^ X
j 2 S
p 1 ; 1
p 1 ; n
P ¼
. .
p i ; j ¼ 1 8 i 2 S
ð 3 Þ
p m ; 1
... p m ; n
This mathematical model describes a system that undergoes transitions between
states with a certain probability. Likewise, there exists a probability of observing a
space in a state and an additional probability of switching from that state (Fig. 5 ).
If considering that the spaces' states are based on the observations over time,
the spaces are modelled using a state-space approach. A possible state decom-
position is illustrated in Fig. 6 . The spaces can either be occupied or empty, and
the lighting system can either be turned on or off. The result is a discrete state
space with four states S ¼ S 0 ; S 1 ; S 2 ; S 3 which represent: empty space with energy
consumption; empty space with no energy consumption; occupied space with
energy consumption and occupied space with no energy consumption, respectively.
The stochastic nature is related to the transitions between these states.
Fig. 5
Graphical interpretation of 4 possible states regarding the lighting system for a space
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