Agriculture Reference
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The Micro or drip or trickle irrigation system has proved its superiority over other
conventional methods of irrigation, especially for horticultural crops (fruit crops) due
to precise and direct application of water in the root zone. A considerable savings
in water and fertilizer use, increased growth/development/yield of vegetable crops
under drip irrigation have been reported in the past [2, 3]. The use of black polythene
mulch in fruit and vegetable crops has been reported to control the weed incidence,
reduce nutrient losses and improves the hydro-thermal regime of soil [1, 5]. Straw-
berry, being a shallow rooted plant requires more frequent but less amount of water in
each irrigation, which can be accomplished more efficiently through drip system. The
consequences of drip irrigation in this crop have not yet been completely established.
The present studies were therefore, undertaken to evaluate the effects of drip ir-
rigation alone and in conjunction with polythene mulch compared to surface irrigation
on water use effi ciency, yield and quality of Strawberry.
The use of black polythene mulch in strawberry has been reported to control the
weed incidence, reduce nutrient losses and improves the hydro-thermal regime of soil
[4]. Strawberry, being a shallow rooted plant requires more frequent but less amount
of water in each irrigation, which can be accomplished more effi ciently through drip
system. Considering the additional cost of inputs and the selling price of the quality
produce, the polythene mulch with drip irrigation may be recommended to the more
progressive farmers for cultivation of strawberry in Bihar. However, grass mulch can
also be used to make technology more resource crunched farmer friendly intervention
for cultivation of strawberry especially under Bihar socioeconomic condition.
The strawberry is the most profi table fruit crop in the shortest possible time as
compared to other fruits.
By spending Rs. 1000,000/ha, one can get a receipt of Rs. 2,000,000/ha in straw-
berry. It can be grown on any type of soil, poor sand to heavy clay provided proper
moisture organic matter and drainage is present.
It is a short day plant (about 10 days of less than 8 h sunshine for initiation of
fl owering).
In winter, the plants do not make any growth and remain dormant. In the spring
with longer days and warm weather, the plants resume growth and begin fl owering.
A Field trial was conducted, under farmer's participatory research project, in the farm-
ers' field in the Bhojpur district of Bihar - India, on clay loam soil. Soil characteristics
were: pH 6.43, E.C. 0.13 dSm -1 , organic carbon 0.86%, The available N, P and K were
203.06; 551.6 and 14.73 kg/ha, respectively, with objectives to improve strawberry
( Fragaria x ananassa ) productivity and quality through drip irrigation and polythene
mulch and to enhance water productivity through pressurized irrigation coupled with
use of black polythene mulch along with surface irrigation. Treatments comprised of
two irrigation schedules (drip and surface irrigation) and three mulches viz., black
polythene (25 micron), paddy straw (4.0 t ha -1 ) and nonmulched conditions. These
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