Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
FIGURE 2 Daily values of evapotranspiration for a sweet pepper crop between January 27th
to June 12th, 2003 at Isabela, PR. ET was derived from the pan evaporation and Penman-
Monteith methods.
TABLE 1 Physical and hydraulic properties of Coto clay in the 0-20, 20-40, 40-60 and 60-80
cm depth intervals 1 .
1 Soil texture data for the 40-60 cm and 60-80 cm were obtained from Soil Conservation Service
[12]. All other data were measured during the project.
The Coto clay soil was analyzed for various physical and hydraulic properties (Table
1). The soil has a relatively high sand content and high hydraulic conductivity in the
0-20 cm interval, which accounts for it high water intake capacity. We observed on
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