Agriculture Reference
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lower values of root water uptake rate were attributed to the high salinity values
in root zone that in some parts exceeded the crop salinity tolerance threshold levels.
Therefore, short IPED is more suitable in APRDI when using brackish irrigation water
taking into account the crop salinity tolerance.
Temporal variation in root water uptake: a) scenarios 1, 4, and 7; and b) scenarios
1, 2, and 3.
Excess salinity in the root zone generally has a harmful effect on plant growth since
it causes reduction in transpiration and growth rates. At the end of the first irrigation
event in all scenarios, substantial salt leaching occurred near the emitter. Soil salinity
decreased to levels lower than initial values near the emitter and increased with dis-
tance from the emitter in both lateral and vertical direction. Figure 6 shows the salinity
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