Biology Reference
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Q Help! A heron is eating the koi in my pond! How can I discourage the bird and
keep my fish safe?
A GreatBlueHeronsflocktokoiorgoldfishinpondsthewaysomepeopleflocktosushi
bars. They can't help themselves! And once they've discovered a great fishing spot, it's
very tricky to get them to leave. Urban conservationist Rob Fergus writes, “Vigilance is
required for homeowners who don't want their koi pond treated as a giant bird feeder by
herons. Since herons are fairly territorial, if one shows up uninvited (but face it, a bright
heron decoy, available at many yard or garden centers.”
These decoys don't always work. Rob warns, “Don't leave the decoy out in the same
place for too long, as herons will quickly learn that an unmoving bird isn't a threat. It's
probably best to bring it out only when needed, and to move it to a new location at least
once a day.”
Don't bother with fake alligators floating in the water — they simply don't work as
anything but islands for turtles to rest on. Alternative solutions include setting netting
above the pond or keeping a dog near the pond (assuming your dog doesn't develop a
taste for fresh-caught koi).
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