Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
4(b). If you witness unethical birding behavior, assess the situation, and intervene if
you think it prudent. When interceding, inform the person(s) of the inappropriate action,
notify appropriate individuals or organizations.
Group Leader Responsibilities [amateur and professional trips and tours]
4(c). Be an exemplary ethical role model for the group. Teach through word and ex-
4(d). Keep groups to a size that limits impact on the environment, and does not inter-
fere with others using the same area.
4(e). Ensure everyone in the group knows of and practices this code.
4(f). Learn and inform the group of any special circumstances applicable to the areas
being visited (e.g., no tape recorders allowed).
4(g). Acknowledge that professional tour companies bear a special responsibility to
place the welfare of birds and the benefits of public knowledge ahead of the company's
commercial interests. Ideally, leaders should keep track of tour sightings, document un-
usual occurrences, and submit records to appropriate organizations.
Please follow this code and distribute and teach it to others.
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