Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
A Don't economize by buying cheap mixtures: you'll do more harm than good for the
birds and won't attract as diverse an assortment of species. Your best bet is to buy sun-
flower seeds and a couple of very small window feeders (which will exclude pigeons,
jays, and all but the most brazen squirrels). Fill them with a small amount of food at the
same time each day. During times when there are more birds than the food can accom-
modate, they'll figure out alternative food sources, but your chickadees and their associ-
ates should quickly get into the habit of coming to feed at the same time each day.
In the long run, it's most economical to buy quality seed in large quantities. If you do
this when you're feeding just a small amount each day, be sure to store your seed in a
cool, dry place.
If You Build It, They Will Come
Q I set out my feeders a month ago and still haven't seen a single bird! What's
A It often takes a while for birds to discover a new feeding station, especially during the
most severe periods of winter and the middle of summer. Local birds explore their area
ers have far fewer birds on nice days than during bad weather.) Once a few local birds
discover a feeder, they'll draw the attention of others.
If you're still having trouble attracting birds, you may need to make the area around
your feeders more enticing to birds.
Q Where is the best place to put bird feeders?
A Placeyourbirdfeederswhereyoucanenjoytheview,andwhereyoucankeepthebirds
poles or trees within three feet of a window. Feeders six feet or more from a window are
the ones most often associated with fatal collisions.
Feeders affixed to windows don't give birds enough distance to build up the kind of
momentum that can kill or injure them if they do fly into the window. You can also place
feeders directly onthewindowframe,orattach awindowfeedertotheglasswithsuction
cups. As an extra measure of safety, select a location fairly close to trees or shrubs where
birds can retreat when a predator approaches.
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