Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Tanagers are never scarlet, female Red-winged Blackbirds do not have red wings, and
female Ruby-throated Hummingbirds do not have ruby throats.
Q Do male American Goldfinches change color in winter in the Midwest? Or do they
migrate and leave the females here?
A Winter male American Goldfinches, like females, are dully colored. The difference
between winter and summer plumages is the most striking in its family, and the spring
to early June during the spring molt, and in late October to mid-December after the fall
molt. There is a great deal of variation in individual birds — some may migrate some
years and not others. Goldfinches associate in flocks that include both sexes, and indi-
viduals of both sexes migrate or remain residents in the Midwest as they please.
Location, Location, Location: Defending Territory
Q In my local park, I saw two mockingbirds fighting, but I couldn't tell what they
were fighting over. It seemed like there was plenty of space for both of them.
A When it's time to nest, many birds establish and defend territories, and fight for mates.
To successfully raise young, birds need a safe place for their nest and adequate food to
feed their family. Many bird species defend an area around their nest site, chasing away
prevent rivals from mating with their partners. A Northern Mockingbird's territory may
range in size from about 1 to 6 acres (0.4-2.4 ha). Some songbirds have relatively tiny
territories — Ovenbirds and Song Sparrows may require less than half an acre. But song-
birds that require specialized food or food from higher up the food chain require more
space. Scarlet Tanagers can require 5 to 30 acres (2.0-12 ha) or more, depending on the
Jays average about 250 acres (101 ha).
In nonsongbirds, too, the size of a territory is affected by the abundance and distribu-
tion of food and nest sites. Bald Eagles in sparsely vegetated Saskatchewan defend territ-
on Kruzof Island in Alaska, where food resources are more abundant, is only 1/5 square
mile (0.5 square km). Some eagles may fly quite a distance from their nest to fish, so if
gressively fight to take it, so even though they can share fishing areas, they need at least
some space between one another.Red-winged Blackbirds, bycontrast, vigorously defend
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