Database Reference
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form of constraint. For instance, the aggregate constraint introduced in Example 2.6
can be written as
χ () =
30 K .
2.3 Numerical Database Inconsistency
According to the two above-defined forms of constraint on numerical data (domain
and aggregate constraints), we consider two forms of database inconsistency. Specif-
ically, given a database instance D over the database scheme
, we say that D is in-
consistent w.r.t.
if D contains a tuple t over a relation scheme R
A 1 :
Δ 1 ,...,
A n :
Δ n )
such that, for some A i ∈ M R , it holds that t
A i ] ∈ Δ i . Moreover, given a set of
aggregate constraints
, we say that D is inconsistent w.r.t.
if there is
an aggregate constraint ac
∈ AC
(of the form (2.1)) such that there is a substitu-
of variables in x with constants of D making
φ ( θ (
true and the inequality
1 c i · χ i ( θ (
y i ))
K false on D . We will write D
| = AC
(resp., D
| = D
) to de-
note that D is inconsistent w.r.t.
(resp., w.r.t.
), and D
| = AC
(resp., D
| = D
2.4 Steady aggregate constraints
In this section we introduce a restricted form of aggregate constraints, namely steady
aggregate constraints . On the one hand, steady aggregate constraints are less ex-
pressive than (general) aggregate constraints, but, on the other hand, we will show
in Chapter 4 that computing a card -minimal repair w.r.t. a set of steady aggregate
constraints can be accomplished by solving an instance of a Mixed Integer Linear
Programming (MILP) problem [33]. This allows us to adopt standard techniques ad-
dressing MILP problems to accomplish the computation of a card -minimal repair.
It is worth noting that the loss in expressiveness is not dramatic, as steady aggre-
gate constraints suffice to express relevant integrity constraints in many real-life
scenarios. For instance, all the aggregate constraints introduced in “Balance Sheet”
example can be expressed by means of steady aggregate constraints.
Let R
A 1 ,...,
A n )
be a relation scheme and R
x 1 ,...,
x n )
an atom, where each
x j is either a variable or a constant. For each j
, we say that the term x j is
associated with the attribute A j . Moreover, we say that a variable x i is a measure
variable if it is associated with a measure attribute.
Definition 2.2 (Steady aggregate constraint). An aggregate constraint ac on a
given database scheme
is said to be steady if the following conditions hold:
1. for every aggregation function
on the right-hand side of ac , no measure
2. measure variables occur at most once in ac ;
attribute occurs in
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