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feeding rates up to the optimum rate is a well-established inverse relationship in
many fish species (Love 1980 ).
In conclusion, the optimum feeding rate based on the broken-line analysis of
specific growth rates was 6.5
0.1% BW/d for white sturgeon at
weeks 6 and 10, respectively. These values are recommended for use to prevent
problems related to over- and underfeeding. Moreover, it would be interesting to
examine the modifications of the optimum feeding rate during the period between
weeks 6 and 10 after the initiation of feeding.
0.4 and 3.8
Acknowledgments This study was funded by the CALFED Science Program and the Fondazione
Banco di Sardegna. We would like to thank Sterling Caviar, LLC (Sacramento, CA) for the
donation of sturgeon larvae and Dr. P. Lutes and Mr. E. Hallen at the Center for Aquatic Biology
and Aquaculture at UCD for assisting in our growth trials.
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