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effects on biodiversity, climate change would (iii) reduce habitat availability of
alpine and subalpine belts increasing the risk of extinction for endemic species
or range-restricted species, and may well disrupt the biological networks that ulti-
mately support ecosystem functioning. Mountains have been symbols of wilderness
and mystery but also the origins of resources and services for Mediterranean civi-
lizations. Global and local strategic actions are needed to avoid crossing key thresh-
olds in Mediterranean mountains so that they retain their role as key providers of
services to human societies.
References marked as bold are key references.
Arnell, N.W. (2004) Climate change and global water resources: SRES emissions and socio-
economic scenarios. Global Environmental Change 14:31-52.
Ashton, S., Gutierrez, D. and Wilson, R.J. (2009) Effects of temperature and elevation on habi-
tat use by a rare mountain butterfly: implications for species responses to climate change.
Ecological Entomology 34:437-446.
Bascompte, J. (2009) Disentangling the web of life. Science 325:416-419.
Beniston, M., Keller, F., Koffi, B. and Goyette, S. (2003) Estimates of snow accumulation and
volume in the Swiss Alps under changing climatic conditions. Theoretical and Applied Cli-
matology 76:125-140.
Benito-Garzon, M., Sanchez de Dios, R. and Sainz Ollero, H. (2008) Effects of climate change
on the distribution of Iberian tree species. Applied Vegetation Science 11:169-178.
Bucher, A. and Dessens, J. (1991) Secular trends of surface temperatures at an elevated observa-
tory in the Pyrenees. Journal of Climate 4:859-868.
Ceballos, A., Moran-Tejeda, E., Luengo-Ugidos, M.A. and Llorente-Pinto, J.M. (2008) Water
resources and environmental change in a Mediterranean environment: The south-west sector
of the Duero river basin (Spain). Journal of Hydrology 351:126-138.
Demarteau, M., Francois, L., Cheddadi, R. and Roche, E. (2007) Responses of Cedrus atlantica
when faced with past and future climatic changes. Geo-Eco-Trop 31:105-146.
Diaz, H.F., Grosjean, M. and Graumlich, L. (2003) Climate variability and change in high eleva-
tion regions: past, present and future. Climate Change 59:1-4.
D'Orefice, M., Pecci, M., Smiraglia, C. and Ventura, R. (2000) Retreat of Mediterranean glaciers
since the Little Ice Age: case study of Ghiacciaio del Calderone, Central Apennines. Italy.
Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 32:197-201.
Florenzano, G.T. (2004) Birds as indicators of recent environmental changes in the Apennines
(Foreste Casentinesi National Park, central Italy). Italian Journal of Zoology 71:317-324.
Fujihara, Y., Tanaka, L., Watanabe, T., Nagano, T. and Kpjiri, T. (2008) Assessing the impacts
of climate change on the water resources of the Seyhan River Basin in Turkey: Use of 45
dynamically downscaled data for hydrologic simulations. Journal of Hydrology 353:33-48.
Fyllas, N.M. and Troumbis, A.Y. (2009) Simulating vegetation shifts in north-eastern Mediter-
ranean mountain forests under climatic change scenarios. Global Ecology and Biogeography
Giorgi, F. (2002) Variability and trends of sub-continental scale surface climate in the twentieth
century. Climate Dynamics 18:675-691.
Giorgi, F. (2006) Climate change hot-spots. Geophysical Research Letters 33:L08707.
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