Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 2.3. Private-sector expenditures on crop seed and biotechnology
research and development (R&D)
Total private
seed and
Million constant 2006 U.S. dollars
1994 320 976 166 1,462
1995 355 1,013 168 1,536
1996 292 1,149 202 1,643
1997 576 1,139 144 1,859
1998 786 1,164 128 2,078
1999 1,091 908 128 2,127
2000 1,411 857 126 2,394
2001 1,312 842 141 2,295
2002 1,239 826 150 2,215
2003 1,266 857 142 2,265
2004 1,394 802 131 2,326
2005 1,453 746 129 2,328
2006 1,574 691 108 2,374
2007 1,764 676 100 2,540
2008 2,157 691 94 2,941
2009 2,353 702 93 3,149
2010 2,653 732 92 3,477
1 These are companies with sales and R&D in both crop protection chemicals and
seed/biotechnology. Since 2002 this group has been composed of the "Big 6"
(BASF, Bayer, Dow, Dupont, Monsanto and Syngenta). Previously, AgrEvo,
Astra-Zeneca, Aventis, Ciba-Geigy, Novartis and Sandoz were also part of this
Sources: USDA, Economic Research Service using data compiled from company
reports, ASGROW (2007), Duncan (2007), author interviews with selected
companies, and author extrapolations as described in text. R&D expenditures
adjusted for inflation by the U.S. Gross Domestic Product implicit price deflator
( Economic Report of the President, 2009 ).
Small and
companies 1
Other seed
Regionally, firms based in NAFTA countries, particularly the United
States, and in Europe/Middle East/Africa (primarily Europe) dominate private
research spending in crop seed and biotechnology. In 2006, over 53 percent of
total investment was made by U.S.-based firms and another 42 percent was
made by European-based firms. About 4 percent was attributed to Asia-Pacific
firms and less than 1 percent to firms based in Latin America. With the
globalization of the seed industry, however, many large firms are spending
research dollars in other than their home regions.
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