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behavior. However, behaviors have important effects on nature. Whether indi-
viduals of a population have a behavior or other, it has important effects on
the population. These effects are studied by evolutionary biology. Already in
the 19th century, Francis Galton proposed that the intellectual capacities of hu-
man beings were innate and they were subjected to natural selection as well as
the physical characters. Therefore, a theory of behavior must also explain the
evolution of behavior in nature, as the evolution theory explains the evolution
of the physical characteristics of living beings. Thus, this section set forth five
postulates that relate fas with phenomena of populations.
Postulate 1 (Principle of fas fundamental kinds ). There are three fun-
damental kinds of fas that can generate an exobehavior: sequential, random and
sensitive. Each value of fas belongs to one of them, or is a combination of them.
The definition of each one of the named types are as follows. The fas of a system
is sequential when each value of the exobehavior is in a sequence. The fas of a
system is random when every value of the exobehavior is obtained in function
of a random variable that is independent of the macroscopic state of the system
environment. The fas of a system is sensitive when each value of the exobehavior
is obtained in function of some macroscopic information of the system environ-
ment. It can easily be shown that each kind of fas generates exobehaviour. One
can create for every kind of fas, a computer program that generates movements
for a mobile robot using the definition of every kind of fas.
Postulate 2 ( Law of the exoactivity time of a system). In an envi-
ronment with exoactivity restrictions where there are two systems with identical
physical characteristics but different fitness of their fas values, the system whose
fas value has higher fitness remains exoactive longer than the one with lower
fitness. It occurs with a frequency strictly higher instead of the contrary.
The existence of exoactivity restrictions means that there are states of the envi-
ronment in which the system is exoinactive and hence ends its exobehavior. The
fitness of a fas value to an environment is the ability to prevent the states where
the system is not exoactive. This is a kind of natural selection when the systems
are biological, and so this law links the GTE with the theory of evolution.
Postulate 3 (Law of the sequential fas). In an environment with exoactivity
restrictions where the state of the environment changes instantly and its states
shape a stable homogeneous sequence, there is a sequential fas value that if it
is synchronized with the stable homogeneous sequence it gives a higher average
time of exoactivity to a population than whether they would have any sensitive
fas value or random fas value.
A state of an environment is homogeneous if all points of space have the same
characteristics. A stable homogeneous sequence is when it has fluctuations which
cause a heterogeneous state but it regains quickly to a homogeneous state. The
average time of exoactivity of a population is the average of the exoactivity time
of each one of its individuals.
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