Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 1. Event structure
<event name=Run>
<event name=Walk>
Table 2. Main features of the common model
- Acquired image list
- Data from sensors XML
Data collection
Information sources management
Sensor Fusion
- Fused image list
Create new images from the acquired ones
Localization & Filtering
- Localization & Filtering im-
age list
Isolate spots containing the objets of interest
Localization & Filtering
Fus ion
- Fused image list
Merge localized & filtered images
Blob Detection
Blob list containing:
- Box (X,Y,Z,W,H,D)
- Color and brightness
From pixel-level information to blob-level
Obtain parameters to characterize the spots (coordinates,
color info, contours, etc.)
Object Identification
Object list containing:
- Box (X,Y,Z,W,H,D)
- Real position
- Characteristic Points
- Direction
- Speed
Blob-level information to object level
Information remain among iteration, being updated
Calculation of parameters defining object motion
Mapping of the image coordinates of the objects into the
real world
Object Classification
- Orientation
Update object list
Provide information concerning “what” the objects are and
their orientation
Object Tracking
- Trajectory
Calculation of object trajectories
Match objects changing the sensors' detection field
Event Detection
- Event list
Instantaneous event detection (semantic primitives)
Events are wrapped into XML structures
Event Fusion
- Fused event list
Performed by central node
Update event list, discarding mismatching events and unify-
ing repeated ones
Synchronization is a key aspect (when to fuse)
Feedback to local nodes according to their received events
Activity Detection
- Activity list
Global view of the scenario
Spatial and temporal information
Scenario Modeling
Scenario map
- Light conditions
- Temperature
- Sensors and their ranges
- Detection distance
Related sensors information
Global and local modeling
Event Fusion: This event fusion level allows the consideration of new infor-
mation sources (the remote nodes), even though, at this level, sources provide
events. Event fusion provides a general view of the scenario by merging all events,
and eliminating wrong events. This again brings up the necessity for a good syn-
chronization of the nodes. The operation of this level generates an event structure
(as shown in Table 1) used as input by the next level.
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