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The system performs multicamera tracking for behavior recognition in homes.
Moreover, [18] introduces a client-server architecture for detection, recognition
and tracking of people and vehicles. Finally, in [9] a distributed surveillance
system is described.
The monitoring and interpretation framework proposed in this paper arises
from the Model-View-Controller (MVC) paradigm [10]. This paradigm explic-
itly separates user inputs, world models and visual feedback, and proposes three
kinds of blocks to handle them. In first place, the model is in charge of man-
aging the application data as well as performing object initialization, providing
information about the application state and primitives to update the state. On
the other hand, the view provides a world representation adapted to the user's
needs. And, finally, the control ler collects all system inputs, invoking the model
primitives to update its objects.
2 Extension of MVC for Monitoring and Interpretation
The MVC paradigm has been widely used for web programming where the model
accesses the data (Database, XML), the view defines the user interface (HTML
+ CSS), and the controller reacts to the events by modifying the view and
the model (PHP, .NET, JAVA). Despite the paradigm seems to be appropriate
for the mentioned applications, its usage in monitoring and interpretation tasks
entails a few improvements to the original paradigm. Therefore, the current work
proposes the extension of the traditional MVC paradigm to make it more flexible
in incorporating the functionalities of a monitoring and interpretation system.
The proposed extensions also allow that already developed algorithms can be
incorporated to the framework without great design changes. For that reason,
business logic is separated from the model, generating a newer execution block
managed by the controller. The new block is named algorithm and its operation
corresponds to the algorithms of each framework level. Thus, the framework
holds a series of extended MVC modules, each one devoted to a different level of
the framework. Moreover, the model functionality in the proposed extension is
the management of application data through a series of primitives (see Fig. 1).
The previously described modules are integrated into the traditional archi-
tecture through the incorporation of a new module. This module is the base
where the remaining levels of the architecture are placed. In this special MVC
module, the new model block composes the common model . This common model
can be considered as the backbone of the architecture, since it holds the param-
eters needed or generated by the different levels of the architecture. Thereby,
the dependencies among modules are removed and the data access is simplified
by providing a unique module with well defined inputs and outputs. Later, in
section 4, the common model features are defined, as well as the parameters at
each architecture level. The view has been modified too in order to contain every
interface of the different modules that compose the architecture levels. Thereby,
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