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for each dimension d do
generate random value rand ∼ U (0 , 1).
v d =0and rand ≥ w then
v d 0.
v d =0 then
generate random value rand ∼ U (0 , 1).
rand ≤ C 1 then
if pbest d ≥ x d then
v d 1.
v d ←− 1.
generate random value rand 2 ∼ U (0 , 1).
x d ← pbest d + rand 2 0 . 5.
C 1 <rand≤ C 1 + C 2 then
if gbest d ≥ x d then
v d 1.
v d ←− 1.
generate random value rand 2 ∼ U (0 , 1).
x d ← gbest d + rand 2 0 . 5.
x d ← x d + v d .
Alg. 3: Particle movement
to simplify, dimension d ), if v d
=0, v d
w ,
meaning that if x d was either increasing or decreasing, x d stops at this iteration
with probability 1
will be set to 0 with probability 1
w .Otherwise,if v d = 0, with probability C 1 , v d and x d will
be updated depending on pbest d and with probability C 2 they will be updated
depending on gbest d , always introducing an element of randomness and where
C 1 and C 2 are constants between 0 and 1 such that C 1 + C 2
1. The details on
how the updating of particle k takes place are given in Algorithm 3.
Position mutation. After a particle moves to a new position, we randomly choose
an operation and then mutate its priority value x d
disregarding v d .Asin [23],
m ,if x d
< ( nm/ 2), x d
for a problem of size n
will take a random value in
n, mn ], and v d
=1.Otherwise,if x d
> ( nm/ 2), x d
[ mn
will take a random
value in [0 ,n ]and v d =
Diversification strategy. If all particles have the same pbest solutions, they will
be trapped into local optima. To prevent such situation, a diversification strategy
is proposed in [23] that keeps the pbest solutions different. In this strategy, the
pbest solution of each particle is not the best solution found by the particle itself,
but one of the best N solutions found by the swarm so far, where N is the size
of the swarm. Once any particle generates a new solution, the pbest solutions
will be updated in these situations:
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