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Fig. 2. Best solution found in the 16-object instance with the automated EA (left),
and the human-guided EA (right)
forcing a highly-greedy decoding process by choosing a short range of values
above zero for genes, or allowing more exploratory strategies by selecting a more
ample value range for genes.
4 Experiments
The experiments have been done with an ( μ, λ )-EA ( μ = 100, λ = 90, p X =0 . 8,
p M =0 . 1). In order to encode the permutation part of the chromosome, a stack-
based encoding [20] is used, i.e., a permutation
p 1 ,
,p n
is encoded as an
integer list e 1 ,
i + 1); here, a base ordering is
assumed, say, p i = i ,andthen e i indicates the index of the element of this base
ordering that is selected (without replacement) as the i -th element of the permu-
tation. Notice that there is just one choice for the very last element, and hence
the encoding only needs n
,e n− 1
where 1
e i
( n
1 values. Furthermore, this encoding is amenable
for simple variation operators, since any sequence represents a valid permuta-
tion as long as each value e i is within the required range. The same applies
to the greedy control sequence, and therefore standard one-point crossover and
random-substitution mutation have been used.
Three problem instances with n = 16, 29 and 49 objects have been selected
from [2]. In every case the maximum number of evaluations is set to maxevals =
1000 n . Twenty runs per problem instance are done. In the case of the hgEA,
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