Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
FIGURE 4.5 Adobe Photoshop lens correction. Source: Adobe Photoshop CS2. Adobe prod-
uct screenshot(s) reprinted with permission from Adobe Systems Incorporated.
A more specific audience for this function consists of photographers and advertising
The users are addressed by symbols pertaining to the user domain. In this case, the
application icon and splash screen of Adobe Photoshop features a colorful feather.
The connotations are elegance, simplicity, and naturalness, which one would expect
from a professional tool. What might break the expectation, however, is the historical
usage of the image that symbolizes a writing pen. The other screens (and toolbars)
are very compact and gray. The menus are only text-based, whereas the toolbar has
only icons (with a textual label). The icons in the toolbar are related to their object in
different ways but are connected to the prevailing metaphor and follow the application
genre conventions.
The system processes are constituted by UI language components, as described earlier.
In the interaction transcript, we can find all the elements mentioned. There are basic
lexemes (“click,” “option-click”), interaction sentences (“Open the picture to adjust”),
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