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GUEST, Ann Hutchinson. Labanotation: The system of analyzing and recording movement .
4th ed., rev. New York: Routledge, 2005, xiv, 487 pp. ISBN 0415965624.
GUEST, Greg, BUNCE, Arwen and JOHNSON, Laura. How many interviews are enough? An
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HALL, Stuart. Signification, representation, ideology: Althusser and the post-structuralist
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HALLIDAY, Michael Alexander Kirkwood. An introduction to functional grammar . Reprinted.
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HJELMSLEV, Louis. Prolegomena to a theory of language . Madison: University of Wisconsin
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HOFSTEDE, Geert, HOFSTEDE, Jan and MINKOV, Michael. Cultures and organizations:
Software of the mind; intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival. 3rd ed.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010, 561 pp. ISBN 9780071664189.
HORN, Robert E. Visual language: Global communication for the 21st century . MacroVU,
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HOTCHKISS, Gord. Chinese eye tracking study: Baidu vs Google. In: Search Engine Land [on-
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KRESS, Gunther and VAN LEEUWEN, Theo. Reading images: The grammar of visual design .
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KURNIAWAN, Sri H., GOONETILLEKE, Ravindra S. and SHIH, Heloisa M. Involving Chi-
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LANHAM, Richard A. A handlist of rhetorical terms . 2nd ed. Berkeley: University of Cali-
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LAUREL, Brenda. Computers as theatre . Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1993, xxv, 227 pp.
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LEVY, Steven. Hackers: Heroes of the computer revolution . Garden City, NY: Anchor
Press/Doubleday, 1984, xv, 458 pp. ISBN 0385191952.
LISZKA, James Jakob. A general introduction to the semeiotic of Charles Sanders Peirce .
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1996, 151 pp. ISBN 9780253330475.
LOKE, Lian, LARSSEN, Astrid T. and ROBERTSON, Toni. Labanotation for design of
movement-based interaction. In: Proceedings of the Second Australasian Conference on
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LUHMANN, Niklas. Social systems . Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1995, x, 627 pp.
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