Information Technology Reference
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Silver: Machine/car/watch/metal/ring/appliance/robot (8), shoes/elegant/stage/
coat/ fashion/gorgeousness (6), cold/cool/rain (5), nervous, violent, solemn,
scroll bar, inactive web-link, radiation, elephant, depressive
Blue: Sky/cloud/ocean/wide/big (12), clean/pure/limpidity (4), sedate (3), smile
face/happy (2) gentle, soft, sports, screen, shirt, flag, mature, mysterious,
Italy, navy
Lime: Nature/grass (land)/leaves/forest/wood/vigor/spring/young/origin of life/
life (17), comfortable/relax (4), children, QQ, waiting pointer index, picture
by a child, bright, clear, food package, pen, petting when sleeping, joviality
Aqua: Sky/lake/ocean (6), brightness/bright (2), positive emotion/happiness (2),
steady, mature, lime, color in Word, fresh, clean, quietness, apple, weird, wall
Maroon: Hair (5), jujube fruit/chestnut/pine nut (3), blood (2), dark (2), unim-
portant things, mysterious, unfamiliar, old women coat, firewood, afraid,
reminiscence, hotel, flower, mature, bark, nail polish
Purple: Clothes/full dress/bracelet/nail polish/sexy/worldliness/elegance/ele-
gant/fashion (10), flower/grape (5), elegance/elegant/fashion (4), mysteri-
ous (2), amethyst, lavender, older fuchsia, website text, romantic, dignity,
artistic, quiet, lucky, activity
Olive: Army/army coat (5), dead tree, coconut, plants/nature (3), quietude/quiet
(2), soil/earth (2), order, health, simple, old, warm, plain, comfortable, per-
sonality, pessimistic, rugger [T-shirt]
Gray: Gloomy/dim/dark/uncomfortable/depressive/sorrowful/cry/somber/pain/
negative (16), rainy/overcast sky/dark day (3), dust/pollution/dirty (3), deep,
status/ menu bar, mouse, hair, weak, pencil writing, gray zone of law, brick
and earth, inactivity
Red: Passion / enthusiasm / vitality / young people / active / energy / blood / good
things (13), national flag (5), hot/warm/sun/candle/summer (4), important
(3), girl's (coat/dress)/lipstick/nail polish (3), jollity/want to laugh/happiness
(3), wedding, sudden, angry, pain, spring festival
Fuchsia: Girls' coat/makeup/apparel/bag/little girl (6), flower (5), lovely/ beau-
tiful (4), bright/obvious/light (2), soft/tender (2), cabbage, young (2), naive,
warm, chemistry, bear, good mood, wine, activity
Yellow: Bright/obvious/sun/sunlight/warm, optimistic/good mood/excited/ pas-
sion, full of energy/activity (14), orange, gold, corn, autumn, oil, lemon,
cream, cake/ cream puffs (8), childhood/child/young/naive/fresh (5), traffic
light (2), depression, mild, dazzle, moon, paper/cartoon, Brazil
White: Clean/clear/pure (8), wedding (6), naive/origin/holy/simple (5),
hospital/nurse/medical/surgical (5), snow (3), cloud (2), wall (2), burial,
holidays by the sea, butter, ice cream, website, coat, chalk
Results summary.
Black: Death/burial/grief/destruction/darkness/night/sleep (16), important/
elegance/business/social/solid (7), information/books/font/text/terminal (9),
contrasting (2), invisible, black is not a color, coat, shoes, doormat, coal
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