Database Reference
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To display the parameters associated with a materialized view, whether it's fresh, and how and when it was last
refreshed, you can query the user_mviews view ( all , dba , and, in a 12.1 multitenant environment, cdb variants of this
view are also available):
SQL> SELECT refresh_method, refresh_mode, staleness, last_refresh_type, last_refresh_date
2 FROM user_mviews
3 WHERE mview_name = 'SALES_MV';
-------------- ------------ --------- ----------------- -----------------
When you choose to manually refresh a materialized view, you call one of the following procedures in the
dbms_mview package:
refresh : This procedure refreshes the materialized views specified as a comma-separated
list through the list parameter. For example, the following call refreshes the sales_mv and
cal_month_sales_mv materialized views that are owned by the sh user:
dbms_mview.refresh(list => 'sh.sales_mv,sh.cal_month_sales_mv')
refresh_all_mviews : This procedure refreshes all materialized views stored in the database
except those that are marked to never be refreshed. The output parameter number_of_
failures returns the number of failures that occurred during processing:
dbms_mview.refresh_all_mviews(number_of_failures => :r)
refresh_dependent : This procedure refreshes the materialized views that depend on the
base tables that are specified as a comma-separated list through the parameter list . The
output parameter number_of_failures returns the number of failures that occurred during
processing. For example, the following call refreshes all materialized views, depending on the
sales table owned by the sh user:
dbms_mview.refresh_dependent(number_of_failures => :r, list => 'sh.sales')
All these procedures also support the parameters method and atomic_refresh . The former specifies how the
refresh is done ( 'c' for complete, 'f' for fast, 'p' for PCT refresh, and '?' for force), and the latter specifies whether
the refresh is performed in a single transaction. If the atomic_refresh parameter is set to FALSE (the default value is
TRUE ), no single transaction is used. As a result, for complete refreshes, the materialized views are truncated instead
of being deleted. On the one hand, the refresh is faster. On the other hand, if another session queries the materialized
view while a refresh is running, the query might return a wrong result (no rows selected).
In addition, from version 12.1 onward, a new parameter called out_of_place is available. If the out_of_place
parameter is set to FALSE (the default value), refreshes are directly performed on the container table associated to the
materialized view. Such refreshes might lead to some issues for concurrent queries accessing the materialized view.
If out_of_place is set to TRUE , refreshes are performed with the help of another table. What happens is that a new
container table is created, the up-to-date data is inserted into it through a direct-path insert, the new container table is
switched with the old container table, and finally the old container table is dropped. This method, called out-of-place
refresh , makes sure that the impact on concurrent queries accessing the materialized is minimized. The drawback is
that during the refresh, twice as much space is needed.
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