Database Reference
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With implicit statement caching, prepared statements are added to the cache when the close method is called.
Then, when a new prepared statement is instantiated through the prepareStatement method, the cache is checked to
find out whether a cursor with the same text is already present in it.
Only classes implementing the java.sql.PreparedStatement and java.sql.CallableStatement
interfaces support implicit statement caching. in other words, plain statements (based on java.sql.Statement ) don't
support implicit statement caching.
The following lines of code show how implicit statement caching is enabled at the connection level. Be careful:
setting the size of the cache to a value greater than 0 is a requirement. The casts are necessary because both methods
are Oracle extensions.
Another way to enable implicit statement caching is through the setImplicitCachingEnabled and setMaxStatements
methods of the OracleDataSource class. Note that the setMaxStatements method is deprecated, though.
By default, all prepared statements are cached with implicit statement caching. When the cache is full, the least
recently used one is closed and replaced by a new one. If necessary, the caching of a specific statement can also be
disabled. The following line of code shows how to do it:
The Java code used for the examples in this section is an excerpt from the , , and files that implement test case 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
ODP.NET provides little control over the life cycle of a cursor. In the following code snippet that implements test case
1, the ExecuteReader method triggers parse, execute, and fetch calls at the same time:
sql = "SELECT pad FROM t WHERE val = ";
command = new OracleCommand(sql, connection);
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
command.CommandText = sql + i;
reader = command. ExecuteReader ();
if (reader.Read())
pad = reader[0].ToString();
To avoid all the hard parses performed by the previous code snippet, the OracleParameter class has to be used for
passing parameters (bind variables). The following code snippet shows how to use it to implement test case 2. Notice
how the value used for the lookup, instead of being concatenated to the sql variable (as in the previous example), is
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