Database Reference
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SELECT /*+ full(emp) you can add a real comment after the hint */ *
FROM emp
WHERE empno = 7788
However, mixing comments and hints don't always work. For example, a comment added before a hint
invalidates it. The following query shows such a case:
SELECT /*+ but this one does not work full(emp) */ *
FROM emp
WHERE empno = 7788
Because comments can invalidate hints, I don't advise you to mix comments and hints. It's much better to
separate them.
Categories of Hints
There are several methods (points of view) of categorizing hints. Personally, I like to group them in the
following categories:
Initialization parameter hints overwrite the setting of some initialization parameters defined
at the system or session level. I classify the following hints in this category: all_rows , cursor_
sharing_exact , dynamic_sampling , first_rows , gather_plan_statistics , optimizer_
features_enable , and opt_param . I cover these hints in the section “Altering the Execution
Environment” later in this chapter, and I cover the gather_plan_statistics hint in Chapter
10. Note that these hints always overwrite the values set at the instance or session level when
they're specified.
Query transformation hints control the utilization of query transformation techniques during
the logical optimization. I put the following hints in this category: ( no_ ) eliminate_join ,
no_expand , ( no_ ) expand_table , ( no_ ) fact , ( no_ ) merge , ( no_ ) outer_join_to_inner ,
( no_ ) push_pred , ( no_ ) push_subq , ( no_ ) native_full_outer_join , no_query_transformation ,
( no_ ) rewrite , ( no_ ) star_transformation , ( no_ ) unnest , no_xmlindex_rewrite , no_xml_
query_rewrite , and use_concat . I cover some of these hints later in this chapter and some
others in Chapters 14 and 15.
Access path hints control the method used to access data (for example, whether an index is
used). I classify the following hints in this category: cluster , full , hash , ( no_ ) index , index_
asc , index_combine , index_desc , ( no_ ) index_ffs , index_join , ( no_ ) index_ss , index_ss_asc ,
and index_ss_desc . I cover these hints along with access methods in Chapter 13.
Join hints control not only the join method but also the order used to join tables. I put the
following hints in this category: leading , ( no_ ) nlj_batching , ordered , ( no_ ) swap_join_
inputs , ( no_ ) use_cube , ( no_ ) use_hash , ( no_ ) use_merge , use_merge_cartesian , ( no_ ) use_nl ,
and use_nl_with_index . I cover these hints along with the join methods in Chapter 14.
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