Database Reference
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Naturally, it's also possible to remove the locks, which you can do by executing one of the following procedures:
unlock_schema_stats removes locks from object statistics for all tables belonging to a
schema. Even locks that were set with the lock_table_stats procedure are removed:
dbms_stats.unlock_schema_stats(ownname => user)
unlock_table_stats removes the lock from object statistics for a single table:
dbms_stats.unlock_table_stats(ownname => user, tabname => 'T')
To execute these four procedures, you need to be connected as owner or have the analyze any system privilege.
When the object statistics of a table are locked, all the object statistics related to that table (including table
statistics, column statistics, histograms, and index statistics on all dependent indexes) are considered to be locked.
When the object statistics of a table are locked, procedures in the dbms_stats package that modify object
statistics of a single table (for example gather_table_stats ) raise an error (ORA-20005). In contrast, procedures that
operate on multiple tables (for example gather_schema_stats ) skip the locked table. Most procedures that modify
object statistics can override the lock by setting the force parameter to TRUE . The following example demonstrates
that behavior (a full example is provided in the lock_statistics.sql script):
2 dbms_stats.lock_schema_stats(ownname => user);
3 END;
4 /
2 dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats(ownname => user);
3 END;
4 /
2 dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname => user,
3 tabname => 'T');
4 END;
5 /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20005: object statistics are locked (stattype = ALL)
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 33859
ORA-06512: at line 2
2 dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname => user,
3 tabname => 'T',
4 force => TRUE);
5 END;
6 /
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