Database Reference
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set_schema_prefs sets the preferences for a specific schema.
set_table_prefs sets the preferences for a specific table.
Note that the parameters autostats_target and concurrent can only be modified with the set_global_prefs
The procedures set_database_prefs and set_schema_prefs don't directly store preferences in the
data dictionary. instead, they're converted into table preferences for all objects presently available in the database or
schema at the time the procedure is called. in other words, only global and table preferences exist. The procedures
set_database_prefs and set_schema_prefs are simple wrappers around the set_table_prefs procedure. This means
that global preferences will be used for new tables created after these two procedures have been called.
The following PL/SQL blocks show how to set different values for the cascade parameter. Note that pname is the
parameter name, pvalue is the parameter value, ownname is the owner, and tabname is the table name. Once again,
be careful because the order of the calls is capital in such a PL/SQL block. In fact, every call overwrites some of the
definition made by the previous call:
dbms_stats.set_database_prefs(pname => 'CASCADE',
dbms_stats.set_schema_prefs(ownname => 'SCOTT',
pname => 'CASCADE',
pvalue => 'FALSE');
dbms_stats.set_table_prefs(ownname => 'SCOTT',
tabname => 'EMP',
pname => 'CASCADE',
pvalue => 'TRUE');
To get the current setting, the get_prefs function, which replaces the get_param function, is available. The
following query shows the effect of the setting performed on the previous PL/SQL blocks. Note that pname is the
parameter name, ownname is the owner name, and tabname is the table name. As you can see, depending on which
parameters are specified, the function returns the values at a specific level. This searching for preferences is carried
out as shown in Figure 8-9 :
SQL> SELECT dbms_stats.get_prefs(pname => 'cascade') AS global,
2 dbms_stats.get_prefs(pname => 'cascade',
3 ownname => 'SCOTT',
4 tabname =>'DEPT') AS dept,
5 dbms_stats.get_prefs(pname => 'cascade',
6 ownname => 'SCOTT',
7 tabname =>'EMP') AS emp
8 FROM dual;
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