Database Reference
In-Depth Information
I tried to keep the following examples as simple as possible. as a result, at first glance, some query
transformations may seem useful only when the query optimizer has to process SQL statements of bad quality. By bad
quality I mean SQL statements that include, for example, redundant or conflicting operations. But you have to consider that
the query optimizer will have to process SQL statements that are much more complex than in my examples. Just think about
the case of a query referencing several views that in turn reference other views, or a query generated by general-purpose
and ad-hoc query tools. When the query optimizer puts everything together, it's not uncommon that, for example, redundant
or conflicting operations appear. In addition, it's a good thing that the query optimizer recognizes odd situations and avoids
performing unnecessary processing. In addition, some query transformations allow you to write SQL statements in the most
natural, readable way, without exchanging clarity for performance. In fact, some query transformations are (quite) common
SQL optimization techniques that, when applied manually, produce less readable SQL statements.
Count Transformation
The purpose of count transformation is to transform count(column) expressions to count(*) . This query
transformation was introduced because a count(*) can be processed using a larger selection of indexes than a
count(column) . Chapter 13 talks more about this. Count transformation is a heuristic-based query transformation
that can be applied when the column referenced in the count function has an associated NOT NULL constraint
(check constraints can't be used for this purpose, though). Note that count transformation also transforms count(1)
expressions to count(*) .
The following example, based on the count_transformation.sql script, illustrates this query transformation.
Notice that the orginal query contains the count(n2) expression:
SELECT count(n2)
If a NOT NULL constraint is defined on the n2 column, count transformation translates the count(n2) in count(*)
and produces the following query:
SELECT count(*)
Common Sub-Expression Elimination
The purpose of common sub-expression elimination is to remove duplicate predicates and thereby avoid processing
the same operation several times. This is a heuristic-based query transformation.
In the following example, based on the common_subexpr_elimination.sql script, notice how the two disjunctive
predicates are overlapping. In fact, all rows that fulfill the first one necessarly also fulfill the second one:
WHERE (n1 = 1 AND n2 = 2) OR (n1 = 1)
Common sub-expression elimination removes the redundant predicate and produces the following query:
Search WWH ::

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