Agriculture Reference
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As the foregoing analysis has shown, the reform measures in expanding
the role of the private sector have yielded positive results, especially in the crit-
ical areas of poverty reduction, employment generation, and development of
rural infrastructure. Whether private-sector participation can be further extended
and deepened in such areas as internal marketing and the grading and quality
of goods can be proactively explored. In the final analysis, regressing on reform
is not an option—a further dismantling of controls is indeed an inescapable re-
ality. Despite their limitations, the market forces are far less wasteful of our
scarce resources than a rigidly controlled system in circumstances where inef-
ficiency and corruption are almost endemic.
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Policy Research Institute.
———. 2004. Assessing the performance of conditional cash transfer programs for
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Ahmed, A. U., S. Rashid, M. Sharma, and S. Zohir. 2003. A study on food aid leakage
in Bangladesh. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute.
Ahmed, A. W., N. Chowdhury, L. Hoque, and S. Haggblade. 2000. History of public food
interventions in Bangladesh. In Out of the shadow of famine: Evolving food markets
and food policy in Bangladesh, ed. R. Ahmed, S. Haggblade, and T. E. Chowdhury.
Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 121-136.
Ahmed, R., 1989. Food strategies in Bangladesh. Dhaka: University Press.
Ahmed, R., N. Chowdhury, and A. U. Ahmed. 1993. Determination of procurement price
of rice in Bangladesh. Working paper 6. Washington, D.C.: International Food Pol-
icy Research Institute.
Ahmed, R., S. Haggblade, and T. E. Chowdhury. 2000. Out of the shadow of famine:
Evolving food markets and food policy in Bangladesh. Baltimore and London: Johns
Hopkins University Press.
Asian Development Bank and World Bank. 1990. Aid-memoire of a joint mission on
Food Crops Development Program Loan/Credit. Manila: Asian Development Bank.
BBS (Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics). 2003. Report of the household income and ex-
penditure survey, 2000. Dhaka: BBS.
Bhadhuri, A. 1977. On the formation of usurious interest rates in backward agriculture.
Cambridge Journal of Economics 1 (1): 341-352.
———. 1983. The economic structure of backward agriculture. London: Academic Press.
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