Biology Reference
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Nobbs CL, Watson HC and Kendrew JC (1966) Structure of deoxymyoglobin: a
crystallographic study. Nature, 209 , 339-341.
Pauling L (1935) The oxygen equilibrium and its structural interpretation. Proc. Nat. Acad.
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Perutz MF (1962) Proteins and Nucleic Acids. Elsevier Publishing Company, New York.
Perutz MF (1970) Stereochemistry of cooperative effects in hemoglobin. Nature, 228 , 726-
Perutz MF, Wilkinson AJ, Paoli M and Dodson GG (1998) The stereochemical mechanism of
cooperative effects in hemoglobin revisited. Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struct., 27 , 1-34.
Pomponi M, Bertonati C, Fuglei E, Wiig O and Derocher AE (2000) 2,3-DPG-Hb complex: a
hypothesis for an asymmetric binding. Biophys. Chem., 84 , 253-260.
Roughton FJW, Otis AB and Lyster RLJ (1955) The determination of the individual
equilibrium constants of the four intermediate reactions between oxygen and sheep
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Tsai CH, Fang TY, Ho NT and Ho C (2000) Novel recombinant hemoglobin, rHb
(betaN108Q), with low oxygen affinity, high cooperativity, and stable against autooxidation.
Biochemistry, 39 , 13719-13729.
Determine the three equilibrium constants in the Perutz's modification of
the MWC model by least square fitting to the experimental measurements of
Roughton et al. in the Hill's plot. Draw the curve to visualize that it indeed
passes through all the ten experimental data points very closely. The value
of may be adjusted slightly to make sure that the interpolated straight
line of the middle experimental data points passes through the origin.
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