Biology Reference
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The negative values of tolerance in Figs. 7-3 and 7-4 suggest that the van
der Waal radii of various atoms listed in Table 7-1 should be reduced
somewhat, especially that for H atom. However, roughly, we have possible
values of
for pyrimidine and purine in the ranges:
95 0 to 130 0 , and 230 0 to 315 0 ;
40 0 to 160 0 , and 220 0 to 320 0 .
The value of 100 0 corresponds to the syn configuration suitable for the
Hoogsteen pairing (Hoogsteen, 1963), and that of 280 0 to the anti
configuration suitable for the Watson-Crick pairing (Watson and Crick,
1953). Indeed, especially for purine bases, there is a fairly large amount of
allowable rotation around the glycosidic bond.
Rotations around the five single bonds (Metzler, 1977) between two
successive phosphorous atoms as shown in Fig. 7-1 have designations
overlapping with those for the polypeptide backbone. To avoid such
confusion, earlier in 1968, they were designated as and (Wu,
1968). The C 4 '-C 3 ' bond will be considered separately due to the
restrictions imposed by the ribose ring structure.
The angle is defined in Fig. 7-5, for the rotation around the C 4 '-C 5 ' bond.
The C 4 ' atom is positioned at the origin, and the C 4 '-C 5 ' bond along the
negative z-axis. The group of the sugar lies below the x,y-plane, and
is held stationary with the O atom in the x,z-plane. The ribose ring is then
rotated around the z-axis in the positive direction, with the right-hand rule.
At all solid bonds in Fig. 7-5 are in the x,z-plane. The angle is the
angle between the x,z-plane and the plane formed by the C 3 '-C 4 ' and
C 4 '-C 5 ' bonds. Again for calculation of tolerance only those atoms
shown in Fig. 7-5 are included. Tolerance as a function of is plotted in
Fig. 7-6. The least hindered values of
are around 120 0 and 240 0 . Most of
the values of
seem to be allowed, except possible between 130 0 to 230 0 .
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