Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Here you are overriding the base function touchesBegan . You will capture the touches
that occur and assign them to the class variable, touchCount . After the user releases the
touch, you have to set the count to zero; otherwise, your poor hero would always be run-
ning. You will use the render method in the GameViewController to read the
touchCount variable in order to move the hero a direction based on how many touches
occur during that render cycle.
For this class to be used by your game, you will need to set it in the Main.storyboard
file for the view. Open Main.storyboard and in the scene select the view below the
Game View Controller section. After that is selected, head on over to the Identity Inspect-
or and set the class to your newly created GameView , as shown in Figure 14-1 .
Figure 14-1 . GameView change in Interface Builder
Now that you have the code in place to capture a touch, you need to put it somewhere you
can get the update from the scene. To do this, you will use SCNSceneRenderer-
Delegate and put your game logic into render-
er.didSimulatePhysicsAtTime . In Figure 14-2 , you can see this is one of the last
times before the scene is drawn for you to make adjustments to the scene on a per-frame
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