Game Development Reference
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surround the body of the update() method with an if , checking to make sure the
playerNode property is not nil . You can see this change in the new update() meth-
od shown here:
override func update(currentTime: NSTimeInterval) {
if playerNode != nil {
if playerNode!.position.y >= 180.0
&& playerNode!.position.y < 6400.0 {
backgroundNode!.position =
-((playerNode!.position.y - 180.0)/8));
backgroundStarsNode!.position =
-((playerNode!.position.y - 180.0)/6));
backgroundPlanetNode!.position =
-((playerNode!.position.y - 180.0)/8));
foregroundNode!.position =
-(playerNode!.position.y - 180.0));
else if playerNode!.position.y > 7000.0 {
else if playerNode!.position.y
+ playerNode!.size.height < 0.0 {
After taking a look at these changes, modify your update() to look like this one and
let's move on.
The second place you need to make sure you are not dereferencing a nil playerNode
is in the didSimulatePhysics() method. In this method, you are using the play-
erNode 's physicsBody and position properties. To prevent the dereferencing of a
nil value, you should surround the entire body of the method with an if that checks to
see whether the playerNode is nil . This change is shown here:
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