Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 18.8 Possible perimeter column splice to
achieve flush internal space, see circle in Figure 18.9
Figure 18.9
Elevation on perimeter column splice
the detailed design of certain portions to the SSE by communi-
cating this information and other requirements on the construc-
tion documents (drawings and specifications). In such cases,
the SSEs subsequently prepare calculations and construction
documents of their own for the delegated work and submit them
to the SER, who verifies that they comply with the specified
requirements and are consistent with the project as a whole.
This procedure applies directly to typical practice in steelwork
design where the steelwork contractor details connections.
a designer's work. From the mid-twentieth century modern steel
design and construction was in use and will be familiar to prac-
tising designers. In addition the scale and growth in industrial-
ised economies over the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
provides a rich heritage of iron and steel structure buildings
still in use. The trend for regeneration and conservation means
a designer is now likely to face the challenge of dealing with
buildings incorporating cast iron, wrought iron and early steel.
An outline knowledge of the history of development and
construction practice for iron and steel in buildings in Britain
helps in appreciating how design parameters that affect modern
framed designs have developed. Early building structures were
hybrids of load-bearing masonry walls and internal timber
framing that incorporated iron in beams and columns.
18.1.5 Refurbishment
The life of a building structure might easily be in excess of
60 years. Age has no adverse impact on steelwork provided it is
protected from corrosion. Its structural properties are unaffected by
time-related change such as creep, shrinkage or chemical change
that might affect durability and strength in other materials.
It is common to see significant refurbishment due to change
of use within a 20-year period. The longevity of steel framed
structures means structural modification is an important part of
18.2 History
Record drawings may be available but these can only be
regarded as preliminary - pending independent checks that a
designer should carry out to validate assumptions.
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