Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Southside Junction, a legal (and safe) crossing here is currently not available. Accord-
ing to the National Park Service, negotiations are underway, but in the interim, please
respect this private property and keep clear of the tracks.
Rock bluffs along the New River make for an adventurous time on the Brooklyn to
Southside Junction Trail.
To reach the Brooklyn trailhead from Beckley, take US Route 19 north to
Fayetteville. Take State Route 16 south through Fayetteville and turn left onto
Gatewood Road. Turn left at the Cunard turnoff and follow signs to Cunard
River Access. Once you reach the river-access area, continue 1 mile up the
gravel road to the Brooklyn trailhead, where parking is available.
The Southside Junction end is not recommended as a start for the trail-the
active rail line perpendicular to the trail often blocks access to the trailhead, mak-
ing crossing hazardous.
Contact: New River Gorge National River
PO Box 246
Glen Jean, WV 25846
(304) 465-0508
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