Travel Reference
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Charlotte County
Staunton River Battlefield State Park to Randolph
Roughness Index
This trail, part of Staunton River Battlefield State Park in rural south-central Virginia,
follows the corridor of the historic Richmond and Danville Railroad. The primary
feature of the trail—a trestle spanning the Staunton River—has a significant place in
Civil War history. In 1864, the Union army planned to move into the region and des-
troy the trestle. If the Union had succeeded, it would have cut off a crucial Confeder-
ate supply line leading all the way to Richmond. The story goes that a band of local
men held off the Union advancement, preserving the trestle. In addition to the trail
and its storied trestle, the park is home to two visitors centers, a museum, a Civil War
fort, and a peaceful nature trail.
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