Java Reference
In-Depth Information
public void persistUser(User user) {;
LISTING 5‐2: UserDataRepository interface
package com.devchronicale.di;
public interface UserDataRepository {
public void save(User user);
LISTING 5‐3: Concrete implementation of the UserDataRepository
package com.devchronicale.di;
public class UserDataRepositoryImpl implements UserDataRepository {
public void save(User user) {
// Persistence code here
LISTING 5‐4: User class
package com.devchronicale.di;
public class User {
// User Specific Code Here
In Listing 5‐1, the UserService class provides business logic services for user management, such as
persisting the user to the database. In this example, the object creation is done in the constructor.
This couples the business logic (the class's behavior) to the object creation.
You'll refactor this example by taking the object creation out of your class and putting it in a factory.
In Listing 5‐5, an implementation of the UserDataRepository is created and passed to the
constructor of the UserService class. You change the constructor of the UserService class to accept
this new parameter.
LISTING 5‐5: UserServiceFactory that creates UserService objects
package com.devchronicale.di;
public class UserServiceFactory {
public UserService getInstance(){
return new UserService(new UserDataRepositoryImpl());
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