Java Reference
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The container injects an Event object of type String into the event instance variable of the
EventService class. This forms part of the message when the to fire String object is i red. This
instance variable Message object is a String which may be produced by a factory. (See Chapter 6,
“Factory Pattern,” for more information about the factory design pattern injected to the EventService
class.) To make this example work without creating a factory even simpler, you can just dei ne any
String constant to the variable called message and remove the @Inject annotation as follows.
private String message = "produced message";
Now the observable part is completed, so it is time to create an observer that listens for your String
events. The addition of the @Observes annotation to the method signature marks the method as an
observer of events of the type it precedes. In this case, the @Observes annotation precedes the type
String and thus listens for events of that type. The @Observes annotation followed by an object
type does the magic and lets the annotated method observe the i red event of the given type.
In Listing 11‐5, the @Observes annotation has been added to the serviceTrace method signature,
which marks the method as an observer for String events. When an event of type String
occurs, the serviceTrace method receives the object that the event produced via its parameter.
serviceTrace can then manipulate the String object as it wants. In this case, it prints the message
to the console.
LISTING 11‐5: The observer bean
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.enterprise.event.Observes;
public class TraceObserver {
public void serviceTrace(@Observes String message){
System.out.println("Service message: " + message);
If you run the server and invoke the start service method, you will realize how magically a
string will be injected to the EventService class, and then a String event is i red “where it will be
coughed (observed)” by the serviceTrace method of the TraceObserver class, and a message is
printed to the console. Surprisingly, this is all that you need to implement the observer pattern in
Java EE without further coni guration.
Although in real‐world scenarios you probably wouldn't be i ring and observing plain strings but
rather your own objects that would be observed by their type, it is still quite easy to differentiate
between the same object types of objects and set up different observers to listen for them.
You are now going to look at an example in which you use Qualii ers to disambiguate String
objects. You have seen how this can be effective when implementing a factory pattern that produces
different implementations of the same type of object.
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