Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
J of n e s A L & A l d w i n c k l e H S ( E d s ) ( 1 9 9 0 ) Compendium of apple and
pear diseases . American Phytopathological Society: Minnesota.
Use virus-tested propagating material (scions and
rootstocks) to control stony pit.
NSW Department of Primary Industries. Orchard plant
protection guide for deciduous fruits in NSW (annual edition).
h t t p : / / w w w . d p i . n s w . g o v . a u
Establish orchards using virus-tested stock to ensure
freedom from the disease for the life of the orchard.
This stock should also be free from other viruses
infecting pear.
B e a t t i e B B , M c G l a s s o n W B & W a d e N L ( E d s ) ( 1 9 8 9 ) Post harvest
diseases of horticultural produce: Volume 1 Temperate fruit . CSIRO
Publications: Melbourne.
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